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‘Water Toxicity’: Family Raises Awareness of Rare Condition After Woman Dies From Drinking Too Much Water Too Quickly

The family of an Indiana woman who died last month after drinking too much water is raising awareness about the dangers of water toxicity. 

According to medical experts, water toxicity is when you consume too much water too quickly, causing an imbalance of electrolytes in your blood, and leaving your body unable to properly remove the excess water.

Symptoms of the rare condition include headaches, nausea, and vomiting. And in severe cases, they include drowsiness, cramping, high blood pressure, double vision, difficulty breathing, and more. 

Devon Miller told local media that his sister, 35-year-old Ashely Summers, died on July 6 after consuming four bottles of water in 20 minutes.

“I mean, an average water bottle is like 16 ounces, so that was 64 ounces that she drank in a span of 20 minutes. That’s half a gallon,” Miller said during an interview with WRTV. “That’s what you’re supposed to drink in a whole day.”

The incident happened over the Fourth of July weekend. Summers started feeling dehydrated while out with her husband and two daughters on the lake. Later, after she got home, she passed out in her garage. Although she was immediately transported to the hospital, she never regained consciousness. Doctors told the family that her brain had swelled. 

In addition to being a devoted mother and wife, Summers’ obituary describes her as an avid softball player who loved spending time on the lake. As an organ donor — giving her heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and some bone tissue — she reportedly saved the lives of five people. 

Experts say people who are most at risk of water toxicity are those who work outside or exercise a lot. To avoid the condition, they say you should balance your water intake with electrolytes and sodium. 

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