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Watch: Rock Climbers Rescue Trapped Bird

A group of rock climbers were in the right place at the right time when a bird needed help at their gym.

The Toronto Wildlife Centre shared a video of several people jumping into action to save a trapped killdeer bird. The rescue is something only rock climbers could accomplish.

In the video, several people noticed the distressed animal high in the gym rafters. Two climbers sprung into action, setting up a rope system to keep them and the bird safe while trying to get down.

Fortunately, Toronto Wildlife Centre staff members just happened to be at the same gym and could offer their assistance, including a veterinarian. 

“I’m glad we were able to help as a community,” says Dr. Cameron Berg.

After getting the bird in the net, they brought the animal to the wildlife center for additional medical help. The killdeer had multiple wounds from smashing itself against the glass in an attempt to escape.

After a full recovery, the TWC rereleased the bird into the wild.

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