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Watch: Bear Breaks Into a Connecticut Home – and Helps Itself to Some Lasagna

Security cameras captured a bear that broke into a Connecticut home.

NBC New York shared the video of the bear in a home in the northwest corner of the state. The homeowners say they don’t know how the bear got inside. The footage shows the animal wandering around until it finds the kitchen and easily pulls out the freezer drawer.

After finding some food, the bear pushes through an open window next to the fridge. A backyard camera catches the bear leaving with stolen goods.

The fall is when bears prepare for hibernation, like this black bear. The process is called hyphagia and causes the animal to go into a feeding frenzy. The bear’s hunger sometimes leads the animals to new extremes to find food. A recent Colorado Parks and Wildlife report found that almost half of all issues between bears and humans happen in the fall.

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