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Want To Help Maui Wildfire Victims? Watch Out for Scams

As wildfires continue to spread across the Hawaiian island of Maui, the state’s attorney general cautions those wanting to donate to victims to avoid scams. 

“In moments of crisis, we all must be extra vigilant against bad actors who try to take advantage of people’s goodwill,” said Hawaii’s Attorney General Anne Lopez in a statement

She added: “We are already seeing various fundraising efforts being promoted on social media platforms and online.”

Before making any donation for natural disaster relief, Lopez’s office said you should only give to charities that are trusted and well-known

Her office added that you can verify the legitimacy of a charity by checking various government and non-profit databases. They include: 

Additionally, Lopez’s office explained you should be suspicious of donation requests and other common scammer tactics. They include: 

  • Rushing you into making a donation
  • Asking for a donation in cash or gift cards
  • And, vague explanations for how your donation will be used

For more information on avoiding charity scams, check out this page by the Federal Trade Commission. 

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