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Utah Wildlife Officials Suggest Eating Bullfrogs to Control Population

Utah residents are hopping to it and catching bullfrogs in record numbers, thanks to a recent reminder from the state’s Department of Natural Resources that the amphibians are invasive—and delicious.

Bullfrogs first arrrived in Utah around the 1970s, and they now have established populations along the Wasatch foothills and the wetlands surrounding the Great Salt Lake. They are an invasive species that can cause harm to the local ecosystem and other native species. In an effort to curb their spread, Utah officials have encouraged residents to catch and eat as many bullfrogs as they’d like.

According to Ja Eggett, the Facilities and Grounds Supervisor at the Lee Kay Public Shooting Range, bullfrogs are easy to catch and taste similar to chicken or fish. The larger the bullfrog, the more meat on its legs. Eggett suggests using fishing gear, like a pole and hook or bait, to catch the frogs. He also recommends using marshmallows or grasshoppers as bait.

Image by Maryann Flick

Utah residents have been quick to take up the challenge, with many sharing their bullfrog-catching success stories on social media. Some have even taken to using archery gear to catch the elusive amphibians.

While some may be hesitant to try bullfrog meat, others are embracing the opportunity to try something new and sustainable. With no limit or season on bullfrog hunting in Utah, it seems that the state’s residents will have plenty of opportunities to perfect their bullfrog-catching and cooking skills.

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