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Toasted Or Roasted Card Set Game Review

Sitting around a picnic table at night playing games is one of the best parts about camping. -the campfire is roaring, the picnic table is shining bright and conversation is flowing. It’s time to break out a game and the Toasted or Roasted Card Set Game is a fun game for the family to play at the campsite or even at home for that matter.

Appearance: The Toasted Or Roasted Card Set Game comes in a handy travel package. The resealable plastic bag has a handle for easy carrying and enough space to easily fit the game and all of its components. The artwork gives a hand made feel with simple illustrations that are very much so kid friendly. Each card has a different illustration that portrays what the card states.

toasted or roasted card game
Toasted Or Roasted Card Set Game

Difficulty: The game is geared more towards children but it can still be fun for adults playing with younger children. The age for the game is 6+ and that is definitely a suitable age to play and understand the rules of the game. With easy to follow instructions, the goal of the game is to get your fire started and roast 3 marshmallows. It is a fun way for kids to start thinking a bit strategically and learning to look around the board rather than just their cards.

Game Experience: The game is laid out very well. It comes equipped with a board that has the draw pile, tool box and discard pile. This is the main hub for adding and dispersing cards. Each player also gets a marker for fire and a marker for their toasting stick. You then lay corresponding cards to try and get the fire started and get a marshmallow roasted. There are a few steps to getting a marshmallow toasted but the fire can be started with the flint card. The challenge in this game is that all players can play on others markers. Other players use cards to put out your fire or burn your marshmallow to a crisp making you start over. The strategy of the game is to know when to use cards against players and when to try to further your game by laying cards that help you. If you are the first person to get three marshmallows toasted, you are the winner!

toasted or roasted card game
Toasted Or Roasted Card Set Game

Value: For under $14, the game is entertaining and a fun way for kids to associate with the outdoors. It is something they can continue to learn new strategies and try new techniques to try and win the game.

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