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5 Tips For A Successful Outdoor Fish Fry

There’s nothing quite like spending some time outdoors with the Women On Ice. While on Lake of the Woods in northern Minnesota, founder Barb Carey gave up her top five tips for putting together a successful fish fry – on or off the ice. Thinking about cooking your fresh catch for dinner? Be sure to consider the below before getting the skillet ready:

Bleed The Fish Out.

Bleeding out the fish is the most humane way to kill a fish and produces the cleanest fillet. In order to properly bleed the fish, cut the artery that runs alongside the gills, on the underside of the fish. If the fish bleeds out quickly, you cut the right spot. The Kershaw Chive is the perfect knife for this job, and a safe option as well.

Choose a quality fillet knife.

Finding the right knife for the job can be tricky, but the Kershaw 7.5” Narrow Fillet Knife is perfect for the job. With a grippier handle, this knife does a great job with freshwater fish and the blade has just enough flex – making it easier for you to prep your dinner.

Keep it cold!

While this may not be an issue while fishing on ice, during the summer this step is essential. An ample sized live well or string will do the trick – but either way, it’s best practice to clean your fish sooner rather than later.

Go with airtight storage to save leftovers.

Had a lucky day and caught more fish than you can fry? Save it for another day! If you don’t have airtight containers on hand, pop the fillets in a plastic Ziploc and submerge it under water to force the air out. The fillt should last longer in the refrigerator (use in 2 days) or in the freezer.

Know your state’s laws.

It’s important to learn the regulations on transporting filleted fish in your state. For example, in Minnesota, you have to leave part of the skin on the fillet to identify if necessary.

There’s nothing better than frying up the catch of the day for friends and family after a long day on the water. While it’s rewarding on many levels, following these simple tips will make the experience even richer! Check out all of Kershaw’s knives here.

(Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash)

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