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Crikey! 5 Times Steve Irwin Was a Total Badass

Steve Irwin, the legendary Australian conservationist and wildlife warrior, is best remembered for his larger-than-life personality and unbridled dedication to animals. The bravery — and audaciousness — he displayed when faced with some of nature’s most formidable and lethal creatures on his television show, The Crocodile Hunter, turned him into a household name. In the process, he deepened our understanding of the world we share.

From wrestling massive crocodiles to fearlessly handling venomous snakes, Irwin and his daring spirit serve as a reminder of the importance of safeguarding our planet and coexisting with all its captivating inhabitants.

Ahead are five of the legendary adventurer’s most awe-inspiring moments before his life tragically was cut short by a stingray barb to the chest while diving the Great Barrier Reef on September 4, 2006.

A Wild Encounter Among Nile Crocodiles

In 1998, Irwin displayed incredible daring when he got down on his belly and stealthily crawled to within 10 feet of nearly 50 Nile crocodiles ravenously picking clean the carcass of a hulking hippopotamus. While an equal number of crocs observed from a distance, the predators chomped and fought over the feast. 

“Look at them tearing into the entrails of the hippo!” Irwin exclaimed while watching the creatures from his post behind a tree trunk. “This is reptilian evolution at its peak!” 

Amid the frenzy, Irwin got so excited he abandoned his attempts to hide, even as the crocodiles, engaged in a frenzied fray, executed death rolls and gnashed their teeth. “This has been the most fun I’ve ever had in my entire life,” Irwin said of witnessing the surreal moment.

Escaping a Croc Attack

In 1999, Irwin again lived up to his reputation when he managed to escape after a croc grabbed him. Irwin later explained he made a big miscalculation, recounting how the crocodile managed to seize his hand when he got too close and attempted to drag him into the water. Irwin said he instinctively went limp, spun in the air and landed atop the creature’s head. The startled crocodile released its grip, allowing Irwin to escape with his life. 

“It’s always dangerous working around big reptilian predators like this,” he remarked about the inherent danger of working in close proximity with crocs.

Image by Justin Sullivan/Stringer

Taming an Inland Taipan

In a gripping scene from 2002, Irwin proved he was a badass by handling and “taming” one of the world’s deadliest creatures, an inland taipan. Irwin held the snake by the tail, deftly dodging its weaving head as he breathlessly noted that this species is capable of killing 100 people with the venom contained in a single bite. 

Despite the writhing snake’s aggressiveness, Irwin attempted to establish a connection with the animal. Though the Crocodile Hunter affectionately referred to the snake as “grumpy,” he noted it was also “absolutely gorgeous.” Though the perilous creature initially aimed its bite attempts right at Irwin’s head, Irwin managed to soothe the snake into submission. 

“She knows that I mean her no harm,” he said of his deadly new friend. He jokingly added, “I’d rather deal with this snake than a lot of people I know.”

Swimming in Antarctica 

The Crocodile Hunter embarked on an extraordinary excursion to Antarctica in 2004. While exploring the frozen and unforgiving continent, he donned an old wetsuit that leaked like a sieve and immersed himself in water so frigid it burned like fire. His efforts—and the risk of hypothermia—did not go unrewarded. 

After swimming with some playful gentoo penguins, Irwin spotted two inquisitive humpback whales that lumbered over to check out the wildlife expert. Perched atop a floating piece of ice, Irwin was as enthralled with the giant mammals as they apparently were with him.

A Compassionate Encounter with a Rehabilitated Orangutan

Irwin’s badass spirit extended beyond those heart-pounding moments of danger caught on camera. During a journey to Indonesia’s North Sumatra province, he assisted a group of rehabilitated orangutans in rediscovering and reconnecting with their natural habitat, and a tender moment held just as much emotional weight as some of his most frightening encounters.  

While Irwin perched in a tree, a mother orangutan descended and introduced her tiny baby to him. The level of trust the mother displayed was astonishing, as she allowed the famed adventurer to gently nuzzle his head against hers. 

“What can I say? I’ve fallen in love with another woman,” he joked while reflecting on the emotional encounter. Irwin also said the experience was deeply moving and nearly brought him to tears.

Image by Justin Sullivan/Stringer
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