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The Duluth Pack Scout: Perfect Day Pack For Town and Trail

If you don’t know what Duluth is, that’s too bad because the company makes some of the most rugged bags in the world. I’ve seen these things last an extremely long time. 

The Duluth Scout Pack is a smaller version of a Voyager pack, which was something traditionally lugged in and out of a canoe during a long-distance trip. But the Scout Pack in question was actually designed by a fashion editor for the New York Times as something that could be used during a commute in the city or out on the trail.  

Everything about this bag – from the hardware to the leather straps to the rivets – is just absolutely incredible. While people like myself tend to shy away from bags with one large storage compartment, the Scout Pack is a little different. It has a smaller pocket on the inside to keep things like your car keys and phone separate from the rest of your gear. That small pocket may not sound like much, but it makes it so much more functional. 

Also, the bag has a couple of other features that I really like. For instance, the shoulder straps have side wings that prevent them from digging into your side if you have a full pack. And the riveted leather will probably outlast you and me. Plus, Duluth packs get more attractive with age.

If you’re keen on style and durability, the Duluth Pack Scout is for you. Plus, it’s the perfect size for day hikes.

Duluth Scout Pack


  • Dimensions: 17x14x4 inches
  • Capacity: 16 liters
  • Uses: Every-Day, Travel, School, and Hiking
  • Price: $165
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