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Tasmanian Devil Surprises Family with Holiday Visit

With all the random gifts that were bought during the holidays, who wouldn’t mistake a terrified Tasmanian devil for a dog chew toy. Wait, what?

True story. A family in Australia is making news around the globe for that exact scenario.

Kirsten Lynch told ABCNews’ Australian channel that she heard her dog make an unusual yip on Wednesday evening. When she went to investigate, Lynch noticed the alleged chew toy on the floor. Simply trying to calm the pup — and maybe clean up along the way — she was given quite a jolt.

“I went to reach for it and the devil shot underneath the couch,” she told the outlet. “I got a fright of my life; I woke the whole family up. This little Tasmanian devil was hiding underneath my couch.”

Kirsten Muhle Lynch provided the image to ABC.

From there the story took the usual, comedic turn.

Lynch told the outlet that she and the family were all on top of the kitchen table. In a series of trial and error, the animal finally did leave the house.

And, yes, it continued with a ‘you can not be serious’ storyline. Her husband armed himself with a broom and tried to chase it out of the home. The tactic worked, kind of, only once the animal realized it was going to be allowed to leave.

The evacuation did not injure the animal. It only hurt the family’s funny bone.

Bonorong wildlife sanctuary director Greg Irons told the outlet that it is just that time of the year where the animals wander. Encouraging to be diligent with keeping your entryways secure.

“There’s a lot of young ones that are leaving their mothers and they’re heading out to try and find their way. That’s obviously a pretty tough gig,” he said. “When you’re young, you don’t know where food is, you don’t know where water is.”

In case this were an emergency:

The ABC story included a local warning and for readers in Australia, we want to be as diligent.

Members of the Tasmanian public who find sick, injured or orphaned wildlife are advised to contact Bonorong Wildlife Rescue on 0447 264 625 (all hours, statewide)

While this story had a happy ending, there are times when the animals can be more dangerous. In areas with dense populations, the tasmanian devil can be struck by cars or hiding in the locations of household pets.

Irons had a stern point to add: “There’s a sure sign that something is very, very likely wrong if they’re out during the daytime.”

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