Baby Anteater Drinks From a Bottle at a Costa Rica Rescue Center
A wildlife rehabilitation center in Costa Rica posted an adorable video of a rescued baby anteater suckling from a bottle.
A wildlife rehabilitation center in Costa Rica posted an adorable video of a rescued baby anteater suckling from a bottle.
The 2024 Pitkin County Osprey Cam shows a live view of a mom osprey and her three chicks in a nest. Watch when you need a nature break.
Elementary-school students in Washington observe trail-cam footage of animals in their area as part of an ongoing project.
A bear biologist starting filming a moose at a campground. He ended up in the middle of a grizzly-moose chase.
An absolutely incredible slow-motion video of a bald eagle on the hunt is going viral for all the right reasons. It’ll leave you speechless.
A woman found something unexpected in her Walmart shopping cart: a venomous snake. She says she’s glad her kids weren’t with her.
Until today, we’ve never seen a blonde badger. One wildlife professional calls this footage from a trail camera “a one in 10,000 thing.”
A trail camera in British Columbia captured a picturesque scene—a grizzly bear family hunting salmon in a river.
On Monday, a deer leapt through the front windshield of a bus in Rhode Island, shocking passengers. Watch it go down here.
A marine biologist photographed a rare and unusual albino fur seal pup in 2020. The photos are circulating again, and everyone’s worried.