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It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Satellite Train?

With over 4,500 Starlink satellites moving through the sky, it’s easy to understand why people think they might be seeing UFOs. This constellation of satellites orbits much closer to Earth, making them easier to spot.

The satellites were most recently seen over Houston, Texas, and there’s a likely chance that people in the area will be able to see them again tonight. If you’re in the area, watch for them tonight around 8:40 PM, local time. 

The string of satellites is often called a “train” because of how they move through the sky. The satellites are helping provide internet to remote locations on the planet, making them not only a stunning sight but also incredibly useful. In fact, according to the Starlink website, these satellites have helped keep Ukranians connected to the internet as their country is in the grip of war. 

For more information on when you’ll be able to see the Starlink Satellites in your area, head to the Starlink Space Tracker.

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