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S.O.L. Roadtripper Auto Emergency Kit Overview

Known for its innovative survival solutions, Survive Outdoors Longer creates innovative survival solutions that can save lives. Along with their existing survival tools, S.O.L. is releasing preparedness kits specific to home and automobiles. These kits are comprehensive, easy to use and designed to save lives in an emergency, natural disaster or storm. The S.O.L. Roadtripper Auto Emergency Kit is the newest emergency kit in their line. Small enough to store in your trunk the kit includes all of the essentials you would need for a car emergency situation.

What Makes It Unique
By adding survival kits for car and home, S.O.L. has created a unique offering of survival supplies. We love that each kit has a purpose and gear that corresponds to its need. The S.O.L. Roadtripper Auto Emergency kit comes with an ultralight medical kit that has all of the essentials you would need. It also includes a multi tool and duct tape. Containing all of the essentials you would need an in emergency situation, the Roadtripper is a must have in your vehicle.

Manufacturer: Survive Outdoors Longer (S.O.L.)
Product Name: Roadtripper Auto Emergency Kit
MSRP: $70.00

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