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Snowmobilers Rescue Reindeer from Near-Death Situation

Well, this sure feels like an appropriately timed story coming out of the Christmas break!

Originally posted on Facebook by We Love Animals, the video shows a remarkable rescue of a distressed reindeer.

The video rolls for just over 0:90 and is totally worth the watch. Especially the ending. No spoilers but if you were on the fence about this one: click play.

Other resue operations:

It is the close of 2022 and while the random rescue of a deer is inspiring there is other, tangible work to be done.

The ASPCA estimates over 6million companion animals are sent to shelters each year. The number is down from the last decade when it estimates the number to have been 7.2 million in 2011.

As an organization, the ASPCA works tirelessly to put an end to animal abuse and neglect. It is a North American leader in rescue, and placement efforts. If you are in the spirit of giving, there are many opportunities available for this cause.

You can donate to any of these great environmental nonprofits during the last few days of 2022.

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