Camping with your favorite furry friends can feel stressful when you don’t have the right gear. And sometimes, our dogs can be a high-maintenance camping pal. Whether big or small (or somewhere in between), give them gear that will make them happy, and leave you feeling less stressed about their safety. Here’s great outdoor gear that you and your dog will love.
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The “Do Not Forget” List

There are a few accessories that you cannot forget when it comes to a camping trip with your dogs. These are the basic items that your dog uses on a daily basis.
One of the most important, but least exciting, things you’ll want to pack are poop bags. Chances are you already have some laying around because you pick up after your dog on walks, but it’s always a good idea to pick up some extras to have on reserve for a long camping trip.
You’ll also want to ensure that you have your collar, harness, and leash, especially if your dog isn’t trained to go off-leash. And lastly, you should bring enough food and water packed away as well. Make sure you have their food stored in a dry container or bag and of course, in a place where they can’t get to it.
Just for the Furry Friend

You’ll always want to make sure you have fun gear for your pets. Bringing along their favorite toys or balls so they can play is a great way to keep them entertained when they’re back at camp. You’ll want to make sure they’re made of plastic or that they’re machine washable. Camping can get pretty messy no matter who you are. Make sure they also have a comfortable place to sleep when they’re at camp, especially if they’re new to the outdoor world. They’re going to need a lot of rest after all of their big adventures during the day.
New Gear You May Not Think of Right Away

When it comes to camping, sometimes there are things you overlook the first time. Make sure you don’t forget anything for your good boy or girl, and make them feel like the coolest dog on the campsite.
If you love to go camping all year round, make sure that your dog is staying warm at night with their very own sleeping bag. Of course, if it’s really chilly, cuddling up with your furry friend might be a better option to keep warm, but you have to admit that it’s a pretty cute sleeping bag.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, during the summer you’ll want to make sure you’re keeping your pup as cool as possible, especially if you’re not staying somewhere with air conditioning for them to cool off during their rest time. Get them a cooler vest, to help regulate their body temperature under all that fur in the heat. All you have to do is wet it and put it on them. When it gets dry, repeat. If your dog hates wearing vests and sweaters, there’s a neck gaiter option available too.
If you and your family love to get out on the water, it is incredibly important to keep your pet safe just like you would a child. Ensure their safety on your favorite boat with their very own life vest. This may not fall under gear your dog will “love,” but knowing that they’re safe is a little more important.
During the day when you’re out on your adventures, you’ll want to make sure you have a travel dog bowl to ensure that your dog is staying hydrated. Whether you’re hitting the trails or heading onto the boat, your dog is going to need water just like you do, so make sure you bring enough no matter where you’re going. The best part about these travel bowls is that they fold, making them easy to store when they aren’t being used.
If your pup is not trained to be off-leash but you’re planning on spending some time back at the campsite, you’ll want to ensure that you have a dog cable and stake so they have the ability to roam, within a safe distance. You can also DIY one of these with a leash, stake, and carabiner. No matter which direction you go with, make sure your dog cannot rip the stake out of the ground.
Similar to how we need to have a first-aid kit with us when we go camping, relax knowing you have a medical kit for your dog, too. This one from Adventure Medical Kits comes with first aid for you and your dog, make sure to read instructions carefully, as to not mix up medications and ointments. Adventure Medical Kits also offers a first-aid kit for dogs only.
At the end of the day, you’re taking your dog on a brand new adventure and they might be a little nervous. Make sure to spoil your fur babies with a little something special while you’re out in the wilderness. Whether that be a special new camping toy like Bark’s National Park stuffed toys or a new delicious treat like GivePet’s baked dog treats, they’re entering a new environment and they’ll probably be a little nervous, especially if they’ve never gone on a camping trip before.