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MoraKniv Companion Series

This is the most popular series, the MoraKniv Companion Series. Up here you can see the first seven knives are all of the Companion Series. These knives retail only at $19.99. They have a rubber over-molded grip and a stainless-steel blade. For those of you out in the woods that want to use a serrated knife, Mora also has two different serrated versions in the Companion Series. You can see you have the rope cutting knife up top here, the orange one. And then the bottom one is actually the rope cutting safe knife, and you can see that actually has a blunt tip on it. And then lastly, in the Companion Series, you can see you have two of Mora’s Companion heavy-duty knives. Now these knives are a little bit more robust. They have a 3.2 millimeter blade for those of you out in the woods needing something a little bit tougher. So, all of these knives are great for prepping food in your camps and you can find these at many retailers throughout the United States. Once again, that is the MoraKniv Companion Series.

Manufacturer: MoraKniv
Product Name: Companion Series
Price: $19.99

MoraKniv Companion Series
MoraKniv Companion Series

MoraKniv Companion Series
MoraKniv Companion Series

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