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Man Who Survived Bungee Cord Snap Attempts World Record

A British man who survived a bungee jumping accident decades ago will attempt to break a world record on Thursday for pulling a vehicle the farthest in a 24-hour period. 

Mike Land, who broke his pelvis after he fell when his bungee jumping cord snapped in 1993, plans to pull a van 36 miles in a single day at Cotswold Airport in Cirencester, England. 

“It will be just me pulling a one-and-a-half ton vehicle and I’ve worked out I will need to do half a kilometer every 10 minutes to beat the record,” Land told ITV News

According to the Guinness World Records, the current record belongs to James Baker and John Darwen. They tied the record on Aug. 26, 2022 by pulling their vehicles 32 miles. 

Like Bake and Darwen, Land is attempting the world record to raise money for charity. He launched a charity page on GivenGain where he explained he wanted to raise about $3,200 in American dollars for Wiltshire Air Ambulance, a non-profit rescue service. 

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