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Man Captures Shark Feeding Frenzy in Louisiana

Have you ever seen a real feeding frenzy before?

A group of fishermen out looking for yellowfin tuna witnessed a shocking scene about 15 miles off the coast of Venice, Louisiana. 

According to Dillon May, who caught everything on camera, he and his girlfriend were on a friend’s fishing boat when they noticed moving water. The group initially believed they were looking at a “tuna boil,” a school of tuna nibbling on food that causes such bubbles along the surface, which can appear like boiling water. 

But upon closer inspection, they were shocked to discover a group of hungry sharks feeding on a bait pod.

“By the time we got there, the sharks had found the pod and pushed [the small fish] up against the boat to feast on them,” May explained. 

In the video, the sharks can be seen thrashing in the water as they chow down, splashing water into the boat in the process. It has to be seen to be believed and was no doubt something May and his girlfriend might have wished they hadn’t experienced in the moment. 

Sharks can go up to six weeks without feeding, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries. They’re by nature opportunistic eaters, which means they aren’t very picky about where their food comes from. 

“Sharks will eat anything. In fact, things like tires, license plates, a fur coat, a chicken coop and even a full suit of armor have been found in their stomachs.” the agency said. “But generally, sharks are omnivorous, which means usually they just eat meat and plants. If there is not an abundant supply of meat in the area, they will resort to eating sea vegetation.”

While the unwitting attendees to this veritable shark buffet were able to safely observe it from their boat, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on your surroundings when out in the water.  You never know when you might need to make a quick getaway—or pull out your camera!

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