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“Loo with a View” Makes Extreme Bathroom-ing an Adrenaline Sport

In perhaps the most ridiculous (and yet weirdly intriguing?) tourist attraction we’ve seen yet, a porta-potty has been suspended by a crane high over the city of London. Why? As a publicity stunt for a cleaning products company, Domestos, because apparently social media has gone to shit. 

For one day only, March 30, which wasn’t even April Fool’s’ Day, the Loo with a View used a crane to lift a toilet outfitted with windows about 100 feet in the air. Potty-goers would each have about 5 minutes in the air in a private stall, with a safety engineer on the other side of a wall, according to Secret London. 

To pull off this stunt, Domestos collaborated with London in the Sky, a tourist company that regularly hoists and dangles dinner parties 100 feet above the city, giving diners the unique experience of eating a luxury meal while strapped into a roller coaster-like chair. (There is no bathroom for this experience, so if you drink too much at dinner, you’re just going to have to hold it.)

Only a handful of sightseers (sightpee-ers?) got to visit the Loo with a View, having registered days or weeks in advance for a free ticket.

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