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Adventurous Man Breaks Record for Longest River Raft in a Pumpkin

When you think about breaking world records, you might not immediately think about river rafting in a giant gourd. And yet, for Steve Kueny, who recently traveled 39 miles down the Missouri River in a 1,200-pound pumpkin, breaking the world record for “pumpkin floating” seemed very “doable.”

To break the previous record of 38 miles, Kueny had to sit in the pumpkin for more than 10 hours as he rowed his way down the river. He described the experience as “cold” and “slimy.” Since his legs were under him the whole time, this dedicated pumpkin paddler also admitted he was pretty uncomfortable, especially toward the end.

Kueny said there’s no real way to train yourself for rowing in a pumpkin. “A lot of it is deciding you’re gonna do it and sticking with it [for] as long as it takes,” Kueny said.

Adding to the intrigue, Kueny, who is an avid gardener, grew the pumpkin he broke the world record in, and he named it Huckleberry.

Check it out here:

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