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What Your Zodiac Sign Says Could Be Your Ideal Outdoor Adventure

While you might only see the sun, the clouds, the moon or the stars when you glance up at the sky, astrologers see a different world of possibilities. A person’s zodiac sign is determined by the day they took their first breath and for many people around the globe, it can shed light into their personality traits, psyches—and even life choices. 

Up for the fun of allowing your astrological sign to guide your next adventure? To learn what pursuit suits you based on the stars, we consulted intuitive astrologer Kim Tigar, who has been studying the signs for more than 50 years.


Your ideal adventure: Skiing

Image by Alex Ratson

Why it works: As an ambitious ram with unstoppable energy and an adventurous spirit, you, Aries, are always up for a challenge, and Tigar says snow skiing is just the ticket. The determined Aries will continue going up and down the mountain until you have mastered a black diamond. The crisp air on your cheeks and the sunshine will make you feel connected to the earth, giving you a dose of grounding you need, Tigar adds.

Watch out for: You have a need for speed, Aries—and that’s a great appetite to have! But remember, if you aren’t paying attention, you could tumble in the snow or come way too close to a tree. Tigar recommends having fun… and reigning yourself in occasionally for safety’s sake.  


Your ideal adventure: Fly fishing

Image by Jordan Siemens

Why it works: Though Tauruses get a bad rep for being stubborn (and Tigar says, yep, it’s true), they’re also naturally patient and full of big dreams and ideas. The Taurus will spend hours daydreaming, conceptualizing and, eventually, putting your grand plans into action. This makes fly fishing—a calm yet anticipatory event—your ideal adventure. Complete your weekend excursion by eating a decadent brunch before or after to meet your desire for the finer things, too, Tigar says. 

Watch out for: While fishing, you may find your mind wander to planning a trip overseas or your next home redesign or another master plan, and you could quickly lose your focus and… splash! Tigar encourages the dreamy Taurus to keep an eye out for an unexpected drop-off in murky water. 


Your ideal adventure: Paragliding

Image by Holder Leue

Why it works: Inquisitive, impatient and unpredictable, those under the twin sign will find going paragliding offers the desired soaring high—both literally and emotionally. You, Gemini, are on the quest for the next thrill, but because you lose interest quickly, Tigar says paragliding is the best adventure sport because no two flights are exactly the same. Not only will you look for the next cliff or mountain to jump off of, you’ll do it with a big ole smile on your face each time. Ready, set… wheeeee! 

Watch out for: Tigar hates to break it to you, Gemini, but your own worst enemy is, ahem, you. If you spend too much time in your head weighing which paraglider color matches your aura enough, you’ll never go on the ride you crave. Once you finally take the leap, trust the experts to route your course.


Your ideal adventure: Cold-weather camping

Image by Patchareeporn Sakoolchai

Why it works: There’s nothing Cancers like more than cozying up at home with someone they love, reading a book and drinking something warm and fulfilling. You can add a healthy—yet still hygge-inspired—dose of adventure to your regular routine by going cold-weather camping. While this cuddly crab is a water sign, you’ll enjoy a campfire surrounded by loved ones, looking up at the clear sky, says Tigar. 

Watch out for: Your need to feel safe is inherent and strong, so if anything scary comes along, resist the urge to “go back into your shell.” Instead, prepare yourself before camping by packing the right supplies and preparing for the unexpected—from a slippery, icy morning to visits from wildlife.


Your ideal adventure: Mountain climbing

Image by Alex Ratson

Why it works: As an affectionate, attractive and charming lion, Leo wants to be the star of the show (or of the trail). You particularly love to be the first to do something amongst your friend group, Tigar says, putting yourself in the limelight. With a hard-working spirit, you’ll enjoy preparing for a huge trek up a challenging mountain—and sharing all the progress along the way on social media. 

Watch out for: As much as you hope your friends will remind you of how great you are, remember not all will share in the joy. And that’s okay! Tigar urges these sometimes sensitive lions to not take it too personally. 


Your ideal adventure: Backpacking 

Image by Christoph Wagner

Why it works: When it comes to the zodiac, there’s no other sign that’s as earthy as Virgo. Mother Nature is Virgo’s best pal, and you feel comfortable and energized when exploring the great outdoors. Plus, as Tigar says, you’re also the most detail-oriented and type-A personality of the signs, so you’ll also enjoy researching an epic backpacking trip, including what trails to take, the best time of year to visit—and the perfect spot for a selfie. 

Watch out for: You tend to have a perfectionist attitude, Virgo, and while it serves you well in your job and retirement fund, the outside world is unpredictable. Bad weather or an unexpected rock slide could force you to change your plans. While Virgos tend to be a little rigid, Tigar says, you’ll enjoy adventures much more if you let go a little.


Your ideal adventure: Sailing

Image by Gary John Norman

Why it works: It takes two to sail, and because Libras function best with a partner—platonic or romantic—you’ll enjoy working together with another while exploring the open water. Though Libra isn’t a water sign, Tigar says you’ll enjoy the majesty, serenity and beauty of lakes or oceans, leaving you feeling refreshed and inspired. 

Watch out for: Libras are prone to having an unrealistic idea of what adventures (or people) should be like, Tigar says. And if the reality doesn’t live up to your fantasy, you may feel discouraged or rejected. As you learn the ropes, your first few sailing days may have some hiccups, but try to enjoy the upstream and downstream equally. Also, if you have a question—ask it! You may dislike confrontation in any form, but sometimes, it’s necessary for clarity. 


Your ideal adventure: Spelunking 

Image by Cavan Images

Why it works: This uncommon-yet-thrilling adventure of cave exploration makes a Scorpio feel right at home. Exploring deep, dark and mysterious caves is right up the alley of a Scorpio and satisfies your urge for the unusual, Tigar says. Scorpios are especially attune to their senses, so you’ll pay attention to every sound, loss of light and damp and cold texture you come across. You’ll find spelunking a little weird, a little perplexing and a lot of fun—just like you are!

Watch out for: Your emotions can go from zero to 60 to speeding over a cliff in a hot second. When you feel frustrated or unsure of your abilities, your reaction is to fight, or sting, like a scorpion. That’s why Tigar encourages the Scorpio to research the caves thoroughly before you head out so you can prepare for mishaps along the way. 


Your ideal adventure: Speed boating 

Image by Felix Cesare

Why it works: When it comes to adventure, no one does it better than a Sagittarius. You’re eager to explore, curious to learn, flexible when plans change and, well, always up for anything. That is, as long as you have plenty of space to do your own thing—exactly how you want to do it. Your natural desire for fun and freedom is stimulated with a great race across the water in a speed boat, preferably somewhere tropical and beautiful, Tigar says. The mix of the wind and the waves gives Sagittarius the stimulation surge that makes you feel fulfilled, while the open water allows for unplanned diversions. 

Watch out for: When it comes to planning, you’re quick to resist any structure. You’d instead prefer to fly by the seat of your pants and figure it out on the go. And though that works for some adventures, with speed boating, you’ll need to at least check the weather app at least before you pack and bag and hit the water.


Your ideal adventure: Rock climbing 

Image by Alex Ratson

Why it works: Capricorns are likely to find themselves in the c-suite or thrive being their own CEO. You work as hard as you need to to get where you’re going—but only enjoy it if it’s a challenge. This makes rock climbing a Capricorn’s ideal adventure, whether indoors or outdoors. It matches well with your natural inclination for climbing, whether the corporate ladder or the side of a mountain. It’s one, big giant puzzle to reach the peak, and you’ll never get tired of trying. 

Watch out for: On your quest to be the very best and achieve the most success, you may unintentionally step on other people along the way. Rock climbing often requires two people to scale a wall safely, so treat your partner with kindness and respect. Another essential part of becoming the next Alex Honnold? Falling. A lot. It doesn’t mean you’re failing! 


Your ideal adventure: Skydiving 

Image by Graiki

Why it works: Tigar defines an Aquarius as the epitome of a free, detached spirit, who floats from one interest to another, often forgetting their to-do list on the way. Most of the time, Aquarius is anywhere but here, and if you could travel to another universe to explore another mankind, you would. You’re eager to try new things, dominate a new hobby and hopefully convince others to join you. Skydiving makes for a worthwhile Aquarius adventure because it allows you to get as close to the ethers as you can. 

Watch out for: Until you can safely skydive on your own, you’ll need to book tandem skydives with a certified instructor. You may love to play devil’s advocate in nearly every conversation, but when they’re doing the safety demonstration, pay attention! An Aquarius could be so spaced out they forget how to position their legs for landing, resulting in a mighty terrible fall, Tigar says. 


Your ideal adventure: Scuba diving

Giordano Cipriani

Why it works: As the creative, caring and vibrant fish of the zodiac, Pisces feels right at home exploring the ocean. Scuba diving is the perfect sport for a natural water sign, says Tigar, always looking for surprises and beauty in your everyday life. Plus, Pisces tend to feel connected to H20 and seek it out as a coping tool in periods of stress. The more time you spend in the water, the more like yourself you feel. And when you spy one colorful sea creature after another, you’ll be dazzled in delight, Tigar adds.

Watch out for: While innovative and imaginative, you aren’t exactly practical. Scuba diving is fun and generally considered safe, but you need to pay attention to where you’re going if it’s safe, and how much oxygen you have left for the journey.

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1 thought on “What Your Zodiac Sign Says Could Be Your Ideal Outdoor Adventure”

  1. You are spot on about my sign, Cancer! I have camped in 33 degree below zero weather in Ely, MN. Slept on a frozen lake in a Quinzee. I move from IN. in the winter to the UP for the snow.

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