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Airplanes, Human Remains Aid in Making of Artificial Reef

Teams around the world have built over 35,000 artificial reefs. The builds (generally) will have small bait fish in a matter of weeks. It takes about 6 months to a year to have a really healthy, functioning reef for fishing.

Most often they use large, manmade structures like airplanes, as a major foundational part of the reef. Such as the case of this reef in Florida.

The “airplanes” are a major part of an artificial reef. In this video two jets that were sunk with big reef balls and pyramids around them. The plan is to attract a lot of fish. One of the unique things about this artificial reef is that the planes have not been out for very long but within just a year, there are now amberjack, snapper, and more.

Why create these artificial reefs? These man-made, underwater structures are purposeful in promoting a healthy, functioning marine life in spaces where there is no reef ecosystem.

This specific reef’s GPS coordinates are located at 30 08 590; 85 51 825 if you want to check it out!

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