It goes without saying, around here we’re “into” campfires. While campers come with great diversity of preferences for locales, accommodations, activities, food, and camping companionship, the nearly universal bond is appreciation of a crackling campfire at day’s end. Actually, we usually keep the fire going all day long.
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There’s even research of America’s campers to back this up! Something like more than 70 percent of campers view the campfire as a central focus of time spent camping.
It’s amazing, but camping time passes so quickly just sitting, staring into the flames, and poking at the fire. The process of adjustment is as entrancing as it is endless. While the perfect campfire is unobtainable, it’s what we all pursue.
Now there’s a way to get closer to the perfect campfire with the Firebuggz Original Log Lugger. Basically, it’s a 4-foot-long, heavy-duty claw with which you can easily and safely pick up sizeable hunks of split firewood and place them directly, “perfectly” into position on the fire. Missed the perfect spot? No problem, use the Log Lugger to pick up that burning hunk ‘o wood and reposition it just where you want it … again and again and again.
The Firebuggz Original Log Lugger has dozens of other campsite and backyard uses, too, like picking up prickly brush and weeds, and reaching up to pull down dead branches and snags.
Get one for yourself and your campsite companions then enjoy perfecting the common campfire together.
Price: $40.00