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‘Find Something Safe To Do’: Oklahoma Wildlife Officials Call out Poorly Constructed Tree Stand

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation is turning to social media to call out whoever thought making a homemade tree stand was a good idea. 

Officials shared an image of what looks like a kitchen chair placed in a tree with just four small screws. Game wardens discovered the chair in McIntosh County, east of Oklahoma City.

The post reads, “Not only is this extremely not safe, it is extremely not legal.”

Oklahoma Wildlife officials shared a second safety-related post, this time reminding their followers that registration is now open for their hunting safety class.

If you’ll be hiking this fall, remember that in some places, hunting season is also underway.

The American Hiking Society shared these tips for staying safe while hiking during hunting season:

1. Be aware. Know when hunting seasons start and end. State Departments of Fish and Game or Natural Resources are good starting points for information.

2. Be seen. A blaze-orange hat or pack cover increases your visibility and makes you hard to mistake for a deer. Since many hunters are out at dusk and dawn, be sure your vest has reflective panels to be seen in dim light.

3. Be smart. Despite the best efforts of hunters, resource managers, and hikers, some areas are not safe to hike in during hunting season. Talk to local hiking clubs to get the scoop on areas best avoided during hunting season.

4. Be heard. If you hear hunters in the area or hear shots, speak up. A loud “hikers on the trail!” will politely make everyone aware of your presence.

Follow these tips hiking in places where others hunt . . . and, while you’re at it, it’s probably best not to stand on any homemade “tree stands” either.

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