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Chicago Vegan Foods Dandies Marshmallows Review

Over a decade ago two animal lovers named, Ryan Howard and Dan Ziegler wanted to create a way to bring awareness to veganism. They figured what better way to do this than through food, so Chicago Vegan Foods was born. Over the years they have found new ways to incorporate their vegan lifestyles into many food markets. They’ve made milk, ice cream, pizza and other cheese based comfort foods. They continued to grow their company with Dandies vegan marshmallows by taking out the gelatin found in regular marshmallows. This was tricky, but they overcame their hurdles and now Dandies are a favorite amongst many. They are an all-natural product and the first ever non-GMO verified marshmallow. They also won an award from VegNews Magazine in Anaheim, CA as a “Best in Show.” Judging by the taste of Dandies Marshmallows, we at 50 Campfires recommend you bring these on your next camping adventure.

Dandies Vegan Marshmallows
Dandies Vegan Marshmallows

Appearance: The bright and fun packaging of the Dandies marshmallows sets an all around happy mood, especially with the smiling marshmallow on the front. Then, on the back of the bag you see images of certain usages of the marshmallows, which is a great way to showcase the benefits of the product. Their brand is easily recognizable and the unique features of the Dandies brand are highlighted in bold black lettering as well. These marshmallows are exactly what one would expect from a normal marshmallow, white, puffy and good.

Taste: Dandies Marshmallows’ consistency is spot on to what any other marshmallow would be like. It has the traditional marshmallow texture and vanilla flavor that hits the spot. Pair these with some chocolate and a graham cracker and you’ve got yourself one great campfire snack.

Ease of Use: The packing on these marshmallows is very easy to open as it is just a plastic bag. You can either snip the bag with a scissors or open it by hand without any problems. These marshmallows can even be used in your hot chocolate and in crisp rice treats.

Dandies Vegan Marshmallows
Dandies Vegan Marshmallows

Value: Dandies marshmallows run for about $5.99 a bag and are available here.

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