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Watch: Black Bear Takes Bubble Bath

This weekend, a black bear demonstrated that there’s no better way to relax after a long week than a good, old-fashioned bubble bath. Finn is a resident at Zoo Knoxville and he can be seen splashing around in the suds while visitors watch in amazement.

Visitors- and Finn- were delighted to take part in this special event. In a statement made to the public, a representative from the zoo said “Remember being a kid and getting to play in the bubble bath? Well, it’s just as much fun for Finn, our 10-year-old black bear! It’s hard to tell that he’s around 450 pounds as he splashes around.” 

Zoo Knoxville is a member of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums. It is a premiere zoological experience located in the southeast sitting on 51 acres of land.  

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