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Best Inflatable Kayaks for Quick & Easy Adventures

The best inflatable kayaks are out there, and they’re guaranteed to save you money and time for more worthwhile adventures. If you’re an adventure sports aficionado, you understand the importance of being equipped with the right gear. Not only does it guarantee an exciting experience, but it also keeps you safe. So here are some factors to consider when starting your search for the best inflatable kayak.

Design and Seating

best inflatable kayaks

The style of inflatable kayak that is most ideal for you depends on the types of conditions you perform in and your comfort level. For example, do you prefer a sit-on-top, sit-in, or self bailing? Here’s what to consider:

  • Sit-On-Top: The seat in this type of kayak is slightly raised. These are created for recreational purposes. It’s suited for lakes, whitewater, and rivers that don’t see much turbulence in the water. Beginners can opt for the sit-on-top kayaks as being much easier to maneuver and control.
  • Sit-In: The seating area is a hollow cockpit enclosed on all sides, so when you sit in you feel snug. These are designed for competitive performances and conditions that see a lot of wind, waves and currents.
  • Self-Bailing: This design features tiny holes to allow water that has accidentally entered the kayak to drain out. It is best for whitewater situations, but not calmer waters as it might cause the kayak to fill up.

Solo or Tandem

best inflatable kayaksThis depends on what trips you take. Do you prefer to go alone or do you enjoy paddling with a companion? A single seater can be your choice for solo trips; however, if you travel in multiples, go for a tandem. By paying a little more, you can settle for a convertible that doubles up for solo and tandem. It also allows you to alter the position of the seats.


best inflatable kayaks

Inflatable kayaks have a foldable design. Thus, they can be folded and put away into a backpack or suitcase. You should know the weight of the Kayak when it is packed, and when it is inflated. The latter is important especially if you travel alone and need to get the inflated kayak out into the waters.


Earlier models were made of Hypalon, a highly-durable synthetic rubber and Neoprene. PVC offers the same strength and durability as Hypalon; however, this plastic variant works out as a cheaper option. Whichever fabric you choose, check the thickness. It should also have features like weather resistance, and especially protection against UV rays and damage-proof against fungus and chemicals.


The price of an inflatable kayak varies depending on the features you want. You can get your hands on a good quality inflatable kayak starting as a low as $100. But be careful! While there are cheaper ones on the market, they might not be as durable.

Get a list of the best inflatable kayaks handpicked by expert kayakers at BoatGearable.com!

Article Source: EzineArticles

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