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See You Later Alligator . . . Large Reptile on the Loose in New Jersey

When you think of animals that live in New Jersey, alligators certainly are not top of your mind. However, residents of Middlesex Borough have been on the lookout for one large gator in the area of Victor Crowell Park in the North Jersey town.

Experts believe that the alligator was originally a pet that was released when it became too big to care for. The alligator is estimated to be 3-4 feet long, according to ABC News

The alligator has been causing trouble in the park since Friday, August 25, when it was first seen attacking a duck, according to a park visitor. Individuals who saw the duck attack described the events as “traumatic.” 

Victor Crowell Park, Image by Middlesex Borough

On Saturday, police made an attempt to neutralize the alligator by firing shots into the water. Officials say they are unsure whether the attempt was successful or not. 

According to Lt. Thomas Falk, local police are working with New Jersey’s Department of Fish and Wildlife “to develop a further plan of action.”. The alligator has not been found as of Wednesday morning. Victor Crowell Park has been closed and taped off to ensure the safety of local visitors.  

Officials have asked residents of Middlesex Borough to avoid the park and not to try to capture the reptile. If anyone does see the alligator, they should contact the Middlesex Borough Police Department at 732-356-1900.

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