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Gator Busts Through Porch Screen to Swim in Family Pool

Last week, a Florida woman went outside to walk her dog on a typical Wednesday morning. The last thing she expected to find was a massive, 11-foot gator cooling off in her pool.

According to local news outlet WFTV9, the enormous reptile got in by tearing through the screen wall surrounding the pool.

“He busted right through there, kinda like the Kool-Aid Man, you know,” homeowner Lynn Tosi told WFTV9. Once inside, the gator decided to go for a swim.

Tosi told other news outlets that, like most Florida homeowners, she’s used to seeing alligators occasionally. However, this marked the first time Tosi had ever come face-to-face with an alligator on her own property. 

Image by Jack Kelly/Unsplash

Tosi and her husband ultimately contacted the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, which arrived at her home and removed the gator without incident. Authorities later determined that the gator was too habituated to humans and could therefore be a threat to other residents in the area. They made the hard decision to euthanize the animal, ClickOrlando reports. 

Several other significant gator sightings have occurred in Florida over the past few weeks, some of which ended in injuries. Just a few weeks before Tosi’s close encounter, a man in Daytona Beach opened his front door and felt something grab his leg in the dark. He fled indoors and turned on the porch light, only to discover that his mystery assailant had been a 9-foot gator. 

Alligators are common throughout Florida, and according to Smithsonian’s National Zoo, the average male can up to 11 feet, while females only grow to about 8 feet. Gators tend to be particularly active during the spring mating season, which extends through April and May. That could be one of the reasons behind the increased alligator sightings over the past few weeks. 

If you happen to live in Florida or another location where alligators tend to roam, it’s best not to engage them. Contact the local animal control authorities to have them handle it – even if they’re doing something seemingly innocent like swimming in your pool.

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1 thought on “Gator Busts Through Porch Screen to Swim in Family Pool”

  1. As for Bigfoot goes, There have been Many different sightings in 2022 and 2023 of all kinds of different animal,reptiles,fish most of them were rare or new species. So Why not a Bigfoot. As a scientist myself , I f bigfoots exist, we just might meet one soon with all the technology’s out he has to be filmed in much clearer pics. If I see one ,I’m outta there period.

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