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50 Campfires Sights & Bites : North Carolina

You know the drill – Clint walks into a roadside convenience store, a farmer’s market, or a off- the-beaten path general store and selects a new food or beverage he has never tried before. He collects these delicacies then hops back into his sweet ride (THANKS, GMC!). With the help of his “Roadside America” app, he searches out to the most unusual roadside attractions he can find.

When he pulls over to check them out, he opens the cooler and tastes his previous precarious purchases. It might be a his first taste of a classic combination like Cheerwine soda. Or maybe it’s something totally new like potato chips basted in uniquely North Carolina BBQ sauce. Or maybe it’s just plain weird like a local delicacy not so delicately named … are you ready … LIVER MUSH!

Clint’s highly educated palate discerns the taste and you get the rating. Then he heads to the attraction to check it out, and you get the rating on that, too.

Join the 50 Campfires team … well, Clint this time, anyway … as he carries on the 50 Campfires Road Trip Food Challenge Tradition. We’d love to hear your recommendations on what to look for during the next field trip to the Los Angeles, California area.

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