The Internet Is Very Worried About This Albino Fur Seal Pup
A marine biologist photographed a rare and unusual albino fur seal pup in 2020. The photos are circulating again, and everyone’s worried.
A marine biologist photographed a rare and unusual albino fur seal pup in 2020. The photos are circulating again, and everyone’s worried.
A coyote thought it had a tasty treat in the bag, but it didn’t. Watch a coyote slam into a baby gate as it tries to nab a pet.
A herd of elk seems to have adopted a lost donkey named Diesel. A man spotted the donkey and Diesel’s previous owner is relieved.
Trail-cam footage shows a rare litter of three jaguar cubs in Argentina’s Iberá Wetlands. The footage is also significant for conservation.
A rare white grizzly bear and her two cubs have died in separate collisions with moving vehicles. The accidents occurred just 12 hours apart.